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A Science and Religion Primer [eBook]

A Science and Religion Primer [eBook]




A Science and Religion Primeris a unique resource: an encyclopedia, an annotated bibliography, and a survey of the relationship between two equally complex fields. Editors Heidi Campbell and Heather Looy begin their work with four chapters from expert contributors: history of the science and religion dialogue, the role of philosophy in the science and religion dialogue, theology's intersection with the science and religion dialogue, and science and technology in light of religion. Entries cover such diverse topics as philosopher of science Karl Popper, the anthropic principle, Gaia, theodicy, hermeneutics, Intelligent Design, and more. Professors and students of theology, religion, and science--at both the undergraduate and graduate levels--will welcome this contribution.A Science and Religion Primeris an accessible and affordable contribution to interdisciplinary studies and provides a respectful conversation between science and faith.

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